2019 Camp Options

Below you will find our camp program offerings. Click to find out more about each one


Camp Background

This is the annual event that got Sigma FC first started back in 2005! Since then the annual Sigma Development and ID Camps have afforded thousands of attendees from Southern Ontario and other parts of Canada, the United States and Internationally, the opportunity to learn from a great group of educators in an environment centered on a positive learning experience for all.

The International camp weeks are what started it all back in 2005, when our own Sigma FC technical team was joined by many of the youth technical team of famed Dutch club Ajax of Amsterdam. Since then the International camp has been expanded to include technical leaders from many different professional clubs to ensure a valuable and diverse learning experience for all attendees. It’s like a day in the life of being a part of Sigma FC and our attending international coach’s youth academies.

For our older players, the introduction of the University ID component to the International camp week has been a big success. The quality of coaches/schools attending has been second to none. It has provided players aspiring to progress to the University game the opportunity to work alongside these coaches, find out more about the demands of being a student athlete and ultimately be scouted for such opportunities. With so many Sigma Camp attendees going on to be successful at the university level, it’s no surprise that this camp week has become a popular must attend event for players and coaches. All this without having to travel far from home for such an experience!

The Elite Development Camp week provides a further excellent opportunity for attendees to work alongside the Sigma FC technical team and best experience Sigma FC! Many attendees already attend our ETC Technical Development Program, with the summer camps providing a summer check point to continue their development throughout the year!


Camp Objectives

  • Providing each attendee a very rewarding learning experience thanks to a combination of:
    • quality technical program
    • experienced and diverse technical staff both local and international
    • quality fields and amenities
    • the right group of attendees who will best appreciate this special event
  • Providing each attendee the ability to interact with the coaches of Sigma FC, International clubs and Universities to receive valuable feedback on how to best progress towards their future goals
  • Scouting of talent by Sigma FC, international club and university coaches for inclusion in seasonal development programs (ETC Program) or Sigma FC teams and future opportunities beyond youth soccer


Camp Coaches

Coaches who are driven by a passion to assist young aspiring players to continuously learn and improve on important fundamentals in the game as they progress towards their future goals.

The above statement best characterizes the excellent technical team assembled each and every year since the Sigma FC camps started in 2005.  Our own highly respected Sigma FC academy technical staff lead each camp week, providing attendees a very valuable learning experience similar to that experienced by full time players within the academy.

Joining the Sigma FC team during the International camp weeks are coaching colleagues from different premier development clubs around the world. Be it the Netherlands, Belgium, Spain, Germany, England, Portugal etc, these youth coaches, scouts and directors have all come year after year and provided attendees a rewarding experience, similar to that provided to players back at their own academy. They all remain great technical partners with Sigma to this day, allowing for valuable technical and organizational best practices sharing between each other. Further its quite positive to see many of these educators “graduate” to more senior roles within their club and country, as senior team mangers, national team coaches and club directors!

The quality of coaches/schools attending our university week has been second to none over the years. They come from top programs across North America providing attendees a great look as to the demands of being a student athlete.


Camp Location

The Paramount Fine Foods Centre in Mississauga is home to Sigma FC academy, and all camp weeks. With two full sized turf fields, change rooms, cool down and meeting space it provides all the amenities needed for attendees, coaches and staff.


Registration & Contact

To register for any of the camp weeks click here REGISTER
For more information on the camps, you are kindly asked to fill out Expression of Interest form and a Sigma representative will look to contact you. EXPRESSION OF INTEREST